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в школах долины Сан-Рамон

Дополнительная информация

Q: How does SRVUSD funding compare to similar Districts? A: SRVUSD is among the five lowest funded unified school districts in California ( ). Due to the reality of how State funding is allocated, SRVUSD receives less. Measure E renews a 20-year tradition of voter-approved, locally controlled funding. Without Measure E our schools will struggle to attract the best teachers and ensure they don’t leave for nearby districts that can offer more competitive compensation. Many neighboring and similar districts have voter-approved funding and local funding for SRVUSD is actually among the lowest in the area.

Q: Why do SRVUSD schools need additional funding beyond what the State’s funding formula provides? A: The State base funding only supports a basic education. We cannot rely on the State alone to provide the high-quality teaching and academic programs our community expects and our students need. Local voters understand this: for 20 years expiring local funding, combined with extensive parent donations, has allowed our local students to keep pace. Similar neighboring districts also supplement State funding with locally controlled funding. Measure E ensures local schools can keep pace.

Q: Has SRVUSD been a good steward of past voter-approved funding?
A: Yes. The citizens’ Parcel Tax Oversight Committee (PTOC) has confirmed that the District spent
past voter-approved funding as promised. You can read the latest PTOC reports by clicking HERE.

All information was current as of the May 7, 2024 election. For current funding information, contact the San Ramon Valley Unified School District or

Q: I don’t have children attending local schools. How does this impact me? A: Our award-winning schools are a crucial part of what makes our communities special. Exceptional academics and skilled teachers not only prepare local children for lifelong success, but they also protect the value of our homes here in San Ramon, Danville, Alamo, and Blackhawk.

Q: How long will Measures E & F be in place?
A: Both Measures E & F will last for 9 years and could not be extended further without voter

Q: How many votes do Measures E & F need to pass? A: In order to pass, Measures E & F must each be supported by 66.7% of those who cast a vote on the measures in the May 7, 2024 special election. It is critical we all take the time to vote Yes in this election to protect quality teachers and top-notch academics in San Ramon Valley schools.

Q: Who can vote on Measures E & F?
A: All registered voters living within the San Ramon Valley Unified School District boundaries can
vote on Measures E & F.

Q: When can I vote Yes on Measures E & F? A: Measures E & F will be on a May 7, 2024 ballot. All registered voters in the San Ramon Valley Unified School District will receive a ballot in the mail during the week of April 8th. As soon as you receive your ballot, please vote Yes on both E & F, follow the instructions to sign and date the outer envelope, and place it in the mail right away.

Q: How can I register to vote or learn more about voting?
A: You can register to vote at To find out more about voting in this
election, please contact the Contra Costa County Registrar of Voters at (925) 335-7800 or

Q: How can I get involved or learn more about Measures E & F? A: Our campaign is a grassroots organization of parents, teachers, and other community leaders dedicated to passing Measures E & F for local students. Some ways you can help pass Measures E & F include volunteering some time to spread the word about the measures, displaying a Yes on E & F lawn sign at your home, and adding your name to our list of supporters!

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